Psychotherapy in dealing with public speaking anxiety

Psychotherapy as an effective tool in dealing with public speaking anxiety


Often people who are overwhelmed by the stress of public speaking experience anxiety, which can limit their ability to communicate effectively. Anxiety about public speaking is a common phenomenon that can affect people in various spheres of life, including work, school or impromptu social events. If this is the case, psychotherapy can prove to be an effective tool to help individuals cope with this specific type of anxiety.

Types of public speaking anxiety

Whether you are an experienced speaker or a teacher facing a class of students for the first time, public speaking anxiety can affect you.

There are two main types of public speaking anxiety: general public speaking anxiety, and anxiety about a specific speech in a specific place or before a specific audience. Often both types of public speaking anxiety involve the experience of severe anxiety before speaking in front of a group of people. These emotions can affect our self-confidence, limiting our ability to communicate effectively and make a good impression on our audience.

Symptoms of public speaking anxiety

If you experience public speaking anxiety, you may notice a variety of physical and emotional symptoms. Some of the most common symptoms of public speaking anxiety include:

Excessive sweatingShortness of breathTremor of the handsAnxiety or panicAccelerated heartbeatStomach twitching

Long-term experience of these symptoms can lead to chronic fear of public speaking and can significantly affect our quality of life, both personally and professionally.

How does psychotherapy help in dealing with public speaking anxiety?

Psychotherapy is a therapeutic process that can provide valuable tools and strategies for dealing with public speaking anxiety. Psychotherapists who specialize in public speaking anxiety often use a variety of therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy or body cognition therapy.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy can be a particularly effective tool because it focuses on identifying thoughts and beliefs that may be contributing to public speaking anxiety. Therapists help patients analyze and change these negative thoughts, leading to reduced anxiety and increased confidence.

Psychodynamic therapy, on the other hand, focuses on understanding the roots of public speaking anxiety by examining childhood, experiences and relationships with others. Therapists work with patients to identify the sources of their anxiety and to change their associated beliefs, resulting in long-term anxiety reduction and more confident public speaking.

Therapists using body cognition therapy use a variety of techniques, such as breathing, meditation and mindfulness practices, to help patients become more aware of their own bodies and emotions related to public speaking. By developing this awareness, patients are able to control their reactions to stress and anxiety, leading to greater confidence in public speaking.


Anxiety about public speaking can be a significant problem for many people, which can affect their quality of life. However, psychotherapy can prove to be an effective tool in dealing with this type of anxiety. Therapists using various therapeutic approaches, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, psychodynamic therapy and body cognition therapy, are able to provide patients with the necessary tools and strategies to deal with public speaking anxiety.

Through psychotherapy, you can learn to manage your anxiety symptoms and gain confidence in presenting yourself in public. If you feel that public speaking anxiety is hindering you from achieving your goals and limiting your abilities, you should consider consulting a therapist who specializes in this area. Remember that public speaking anxiety is surmountable, and effective psychotherapy can be the key to your success.


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