Counseling in dealing with problems at school


Every child and adolescent faces a variety of difficulties during school. These can be learning problems, difficulties in relationships with fellow students or teachers, or stress related to exams. In such situations, it is important to pay attention to these problems and find ways to deal with them that will help the child succeed in school. In this article, we will discuss various forms of counseling that can help students cope with problems at school.

1. School counseling

School counseling is a service offered by qualified counselors who help students solve problems related to learning and their overall development. School counselors work with students individually or in groups to identify specific problems and develop an action plan. They may also offer emotional support and counseling for dealing with stress and pressure related to learning.

One of the main goals of school counseling is to help students build interpersonal skills and cope with difficulties in their relationships with other students. School counselors can conduct workshops and activities that teach students about communication, conflict resolution and building positive relationships.

2. Individual psychological counseling

Often students face emotional problems that can affect their ability to focus on learning and achieve school success. Individual psychological counseling offers professional help to students in dealing with emotional problems, such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem or difficulty managing stress.

During individual counseling sessions, a school psychologist can work with a student to identify the sources of these problems and develop strategies for coping and developing healthy strategies for dealing with stress. This can include breathing techniques, relaxation techniques, as well as conversation and therapy.

3. Group psychoeducational classes

Psycho-educational classes are a form of counseling that takes place in a group of students. The purpose of these classes is to provide students with information and tools to help them cope with emotional and social problems.

During psycho-educational classes, students can learn about different strategies for coping with stress, interpersonal communication, conflict management, as well as receiving feedback. They can also share their experiences and receive support from their peers.

4. Parental support

Well-informed and engaged parents are a key element in students' success at school. Therefore, it is important that parents receive support and advice to help them deal with the problems their children face.

As part of parent support, schools can hold workshops and meetings where parents can learn more about the specifics of various school problems and receive practical advice on how to support their children. Parental support can also include individual counseling sessions, where parents can talk about their concerns and receive guidance on best practices in dealing with school difficulties.


Finding the right ways to deal with problems at school is crucial to students' success. School counseling, individual psychological counseling, group psycho-educational classes and parental support are just some of the forms of support and guidance available. It is important that both students and parents have access to these services in order to be able to deal effectively with problems and achieve success in school.


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