Computer game addiction therapy

Computer game addiction therapy

Nowadays, computer games are extremely popular. Unfortunately, for some people they turn into a serious addiction. Addiction to computer games can negatively affect various aspects of life, such as physical health, interpersonal relationships and educational achievement. That's why it's important to take this addiction seriously and get the right therapy to help overcome the problem.

How to recognize computer game addiction?

Computer game addiction can be recognized by certain characteristic symptoms. Addicts often devote an unhealthy amount of time to gaming, often at the expense of other life activities, such as studying or spending time with family. Tolerance also increases, meaning that they need more and more time spent on the computer to feel the same satisfaction as at the beginning.

Another characteristic symptom is neglecting not only chores, but also personal hygiene and basic needs such as sleep and food. Computer game addicts often suffer from sleep disorders and inadequate nutrition.

Social isolation is also an extremely important symptom. Addicts often give up contact with other people in favor of time spent in front of the monitor. They fade or lose contact with family and friends, leading to a deeper sense of loneliness and depression.

How does computer game addiction therapy work?

Computer game addiction therapy should be conducted by a qualified therapist who has experience working with people struggling with different types of addiction. The first step in therapy is an assessment of the patient's condition to determine the degree of addiction and identify the factors leading to the addiction.

The therapist then works with the patient to create an individualized therapeutic plan that will be tailored to the patient's needs and goals. Various therapeutic methods may be used, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, group therapy or family therapy. It is also important to work on social skills and stress management.

During therapy, the support of the patient by loved ones is also important. Family and friends can play a key role in the recovery process, providing emotional support and helping to create healthy habits.

How to avoid addiction again?

Once therapy is completed, it is important to incorporate healthy habits and routines into one's life in order to avoid a relapse into gaming addiction. The patient should reflect on his own goals, take an interest in other activities that give him pleasure and through which he can derive satisfaction.

It is also necessary to find a balance between playing and other areas of life. It is important that gaming does not dominate other duties and activities. It is also extremely important to perform regular physical activity, take care of sleep hygiene, eat a healthy diet and maintain stable social relationships.

It is also worth remembering that if a person experiences difficulties or notices recurring symptoms of addiction after completing therapy, he or she should immediately consult a therapist. The therapist will be able to adjust the further course of therapy and help manage the difficulties.


Computer game addiction is a serious problem that can negatively affect various aspects of life. It is important to take this addiction seriously and get the right therapy to help overcome this problem. Computer game addiction therapy should be conducted by a qualified therapist, and once the therapy is completed, it is important to establish healthy habits and maintain balance in life. If you have difficulties, it is worth consulting a therapist who will adjust the further course of therapy.


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